Service: | Note: | Fee: |
Tax Analysis of Taxpayer position v. IRS | 1 | $1000 |
IRS Audit | 2 | $400/Hr |
Bankruptcy v. OIC analysis (not including IRS FOIA) | 3 | $1500 |
Bankruptcy v. OIC analysis (including IRS FOIA) | 4 | $3000 |
Preparation of a Position Pleading to help Taxpayer evaluate a possible Tax Court action. | 5 | $3000 |
Filing a petition in Tax Court & pursuing through trial (replinishment retainer will be required). | 6 | $400/Hr |
Identifying & Evaluating defenses in a tax based criminal (tax evasion) case. | 7 | $400/Hr |
Note: All fees are in United States dollars
Service: | Note: | Fee: |
Preparation & Filing of a Ch7 Bankruptcy Petition (no real estate & greater than 2 months before filing) | 8 | Varies |
Preparation & Filing of a Ch13 Bankruptcy Petition | 10 | $400/Hr |
5-10. Self Explanatory
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