ECHOLINK : GRIDS  -  LOGINS - 420 - Broadcastify - RQSL - Traubman - EDGasoline-KWH - Coal-KWH - LocalElectricity -
ARTEMISIA-TRIDENTATA Artemisia1 - Plantour - Kboat v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 Kfb BTexan - CBS - BatyaWisdom TheWall -
WEATHER      Elko89801  Reno89503
Temperature : World - LATempMap - UnitedStates - NAm - Russia - Lysychansk - Donetsk- Sevastopol - Kerch -

Weather-North Canada ( CP24go - CP24Live - CP24now - ) & Alaska : Independence-Pass - Aspen - Denver - Barrow - Fairbanks - Anchorage - CalgaryTheBeavertonAlberta - Ottawa - Yellowknife - YKCam - Skagway - Whitehorse - MedicineHat - Fitzgerald - Fort-Providence - Dawson-City - Thule - Old-Crow - Coutts - St.Johns - SachsHarbour - Gambell - Savoonga - Diomede - CYEU - BIKeFlavik - Thule - ScottBase -

Wyoming ( Listen2RadioK2Casper - KTWO-FB - K2RadioCom - WuW - KGWN - WUpWyFbak - Cowboy State Daily Radio: CSDR - CowboyStateDaily - RocketMiner -)  (WebCam) -MT : Casper - Cody - Pinedale - RockSprings - Evanston - Laramie - Cheyenne - Sundance - Gillette - Hulett - Buffalo - Sheridan - Jackson - MedicineBow - Sherman Summit@Buford - BufordAll - BufordEast - BufordWest - PinedaleEast - PinedaleWest - PinedaleSurface - PinedaleMtn - POR-east - POR-west - Baxter-west - Baxter-east - Pilot-west - Pilot-east - Elk-west - Elk-east - RockSprings-west - RockSprings-east - Billings - Great Falls - Missoula - Kalispell - SpikeTowerCam -

Weather-Nevada : Reno - Elko - CarsonCity - LasVegas - Mt.Charleston - Pahrump - Tonopah - Goldfield - Austin - TurnBoundaryPeak -

Weather-Arizona-NewMexico-Oklahoma-Texas: Amarillo -Dallas - Flagstaff - GrandCanyon - Kingman - Phoenix - Tucson - Santa Fe - Norman -  

Weather-South:  Mt.Baldy (SnowCam) - Needles - Grytviken; Stanley ; Phelan; Baker; Austin, TX - Houston - DeathValley - Sydney - WakeIsland-96898 - Kissimmee - KissimmeePower

Weather-East : Moscow - Novosibirsk - Vladivostok - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - Bilibinskiy rayon - Anadyr - Provideniya bay-Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - Kirovo-Chepetsk  - Khabarovsk - Yakutsk - Irkutsk - Jerusalem - Pyongyang - Tel Aviv

Online:  LongBeach - SignalHill - PhelanFukushima -
Wunderground-Cities-List-Domestic - Wunderground-Cities-List-International
BayshoreBeach - LosAltos - SealBeach - LBAirport

World Time - Time Clock - Time.is - Tickcounter

Email to Text -->Better Carrier Lookup: https://freecarrierlookup.com/
AT&T: phonenumber@txt.att.net
T-Mobile: phonenumber@tmomail.net its T-mobile
Sprint: phonenumber@messaging.sprintpcs.com
Verizon: phonenumber@vtext.com or phonenumber@vzwpix.com
Virgin Mobile: phonenumber@vmobl.com

Online Magazines (Schedules)  ConcreteContractor - SignalIntegrityMicrowaveJournal - SymmetryMagazine -

SO. CAL EXHIBITIONS - Trade Show Indices : TSNN-Show Index - LasVegasCalendars - Index2 - 10Times - EventCrazy - AllEventsIn - LV89108-Phx85004-R89502-A92802
Mining Resource Page -

Basement-Finish-Guide -
Basement-Build-Code - Block DIY Split-Level basement step by step - Concrete-Basement - Delay Line Cancelers - TexasBasement - GConPet

Arizona - New Mexico - Texas-  : : EC

Anaheim & OC : EC
Aug - SAAC Show
Feb - MDMWest
Sep - Debt Connection Symposium - Debtlink.com
Nov 16-17 Anaheim Electronics and Manufacturing Show (ACC)
May  DMEMS  MFGshow (10-5)(10-3)

Los Angeles: EC
Mar - PHCC-GLAA FLOW EXPO   9-4pm Pomona
Nov 4
- Clastech

Long Beach: EC
Oct-Nov? 2025, Westec

San Diego / Oceanside :EC
 May  DMEMS (10-5)(10-3) Ppd

Northern CA, San Francisco, Santa Clara & Sacramento:EC
Nevada: Las Vegas, Elko, Reno:EC - EC2 - CarsonCity - VACityCam
Feb - WOC
Mar 03-07, 2026 - ConstructionExpo (9-5)(9-5)(9-5)(9-3)
Sep - WSRCA  WesternRoofingExpo (1p-6p)(1:30p-5:30p)
Aug - BlackHat Mandalay
Aug - CSTC (shift)
Sep 24-26, 2024  - International MINE Expo
Jan 20-23, 2025 - World of Concrete contactus@worldofconcrete.com - Edu
Colorado-Utah-Minnesota-Montana-Wyoming - Oregon : EC - Promontory -  AWS -

Canada & Other : EC

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